Rakuten Kobo

C# Docker Jenkins Selenium .Net programing Javascript HTML CSS SQL

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I worked at Kobo Rakuten in a 4 month co-op position as a software QA. For majority I’ve worked together with the pod-7 team in delivery new stories and bug fixes to the purchase path system of Rakuten Kobo. We prioritized the transition to a different payment provider and made new accomidations for 3ds rules enforced in European countries. As a QA on this team it was my responsibilty to test the correctness of the code being delivered to production. Ensure that it is bug free as to the best of my ability and make sure appropiate unit tests and regression tests are written. Releasing stories required a strong underlying understanding of the payment systems and the different ways and environments available for testing. I would be required to use Jenkins, Docker and SQL daily and have a strong foundation in stage testing and selinum tests to ensure fast and safe deployment of a critial componenet of the system.

Idenifying critical sections of the payment process and what to log is essential in testing and for software system verification. I’ve created meaningful charts on Grafana and regression tests to monitor the health of the purchase path and detect abnormialties in purchase failures. For the addition of local payment options in Germany and Netherlands there has to be solid and complete test suites in place to ensure the smooth addition of new purchase options. I was able to detected issues with translations and senarios with promo code failures. This is all in additional to the line up of EPDs and KDA platform payments that are being processed through the same system.


1265 Military Trail
Scarborough, true M1C 1A4